0459701065 secretary@caulfieldlittleaths.org.au Saturdays 8:30am-11:00am

Weekly Programs 2022/23

This Saturday 25th March is the Club Championships and the Final Program is available here. Please note that where possible, the program could run early, so please arrive in plenty of time for your first event. If the track/field station is free earlier the program will run slightly ahead – we will not hold the events.

Warm Up Starts: 8:15am for all groups.

Pack Up: All Age Groups

Program A (with event order and timing)

Program B (with event order and timing)

Program C (with event order and timing)

Program D (with event order and timing)

Christmas/Caulfield Gift Program (with event order and timing). Week 10 is a Special Program which includes the running of the Caulfield Gift and Christmas activities. Warm up starts at 8:30am. Pack Up U8 & U11 Boys.

Club Combined Event Program (with event order and timing)

Twilight Program A (with event order and timing).

This season we will be running four (4) programs A, B, C, D which will rotate each week on Saturdays. We also have two (2) Twilight programs this season. The programs are listed below and whilst not giving details of the event order or event timing, it will provide a view of which events will be happening in each program for each age group. The final program for each week’s competition will be uploaded here on the Sunday evening prior, as well as on our Facebook page and on Team App.

Please sign in for duty as soon as you arrive. The program cannot commence until all official positions are filled. Please note that we will endeavour to run all programs to schedule however the Centre Executive reserves the right to adjust the events or the timetable at any time.


U6 BoysOn Track100mLong JumpDiscus
U6 GirlsOn Track100mLong JumpShot Put
U7 Boys100m400m (unlaned)Long JumpDiscus
U7 Girls100m400m (unlaned) Long JumpShot Put
U8 Boys100m400m (unlaned) High JumpDiscus
U8 Girls100m400m (unlaned) Long JumpShot Put
U9 Boys60m Hurdles100m800mLong JumpDiscus
U9 Girls60m Hurdles 100m800mLong JumpShot Put
U10 Boys60m Hurdles 100m800mLong JumpDiscus
U10 Girls60m Hurdles 100m800mLong JumpShot Put
U11 Boys80m Hurdles 100m800mLong JumpDiscus
U11 Girls80m Hurdles 100m800mLong JumpShot Put
U12 Boys80m Hurdles 100m800mLong JumpDiscus
U12 Girls80m Hurdles 100m800mLong JumpShot Put
U13 Boys80m Hurdles 100m800mLong JumpDiscus
U13 Girls80m Hurdles 100m800mLong JumpShot Put
U14 – 17 Boys90m-110m Hurdles100m800mLong JumpDiscus
U14 – 17 Girls80m-100m Hurdles100m800mLong JumpShot Put


U6 BoysOn Track100mLong JumpSkills
U6 GirlsOn Track100mLong JumpSkills
U7 Boys100m200mLong JumpDiscus
U7 Girls100m200mLong Jump Discus
U8 Boys100m200mHigh JumpShot Put
U8 Girls100m200mLong JumpJavelin (Vortex)
U9 Boys 100m200m400m Long Jump Javelin (Vortex)
U9 Girls 100m200m400mHigh JumpDiscus
U10 Boys100m200m400mLong JumpShot Put
U10 Girls100m200m400mLong JumpShot Put
U11 Boys 100m200m1500mHigh JumpJavelin
U11 Girls100m200m1500mHigh JumpJavelin
U12 Boys100m200m1500mHigh JumpShot Put
U12 Girls100m200m1500mLong JumpDiscus
U13 Boys100m200m1500mLong JumpJavelin
U13 Girls100m200m1500mLong JumpShot Put
U14 – 17 Boys100m200m1500mLong JumpDiscus
U14 – 17 Girls100m200m1500mTriple JumpShot Put


U6 BoysOn Track60m Hurdles DiscusSkills
U6 GirlsOn Track 60m Hurdles DiscusSkills
U7 Boys60m Hurdles 100mLong JumpShot Put
U7 Girls60m Hurdles 100mLong Jump Javelin (Vortex)
U8 Boys60m Hurdles 100mLong JumpJavelin (Vortex)
U8 Girls60m Hurdles 100mLong Jump Shot Put
U9 Boys 60m Hurdles 100m800mHigh JumpShot Put
U9 Girls60m Hurdles 100m800mLong JumpJavelin (Vortex)
U10 Boys60m Hurdles100m800mLong Jump Javelin (Turbo)
U10 Girls60m Hurdles 100m800mHigh JumpDiscus
U11 Boys 80m Hurdles 100m800mHigh JumpShot Put
U11 Girls80m Hurdles 100m800mLong JumpDiscus
U12 Boys80m Hurdles 100m800mLong JumpDiscus
U12 Girls80m Hurdles 100m800mHigh JumpJavelin
U13 Boys80m Hurdles 200m 800mTriple JumpShot Put
U13 Girls80m Hurdles 200m 800mTriple Jump Discus
U14 – 17 Boys90m-110m Hurdles200m800mTriple JumpJavelin
U14 – 17 Girls80m-100m Hurdles200m800mLong JumpDiscus


U6 BoysOn Track100mShot PutSkills
U6 GirlsOn Track 100mShot PutSkills
U7 Boys70m 200mLong JumpJavelin (Vortex)
U7 Girls70m200m Long JumpShot Put
U8 Boys70m 200mHigh JumpJavelin (Vortex)
U8 Girls70m 200mHigh JumpJavelin (Vortex)
U9 Boys70m100m400mLong JumpDiscus
U9 Girls 70m 100m400mHigh JumpShot Put
U10 Boys70m100m400mLong Jump Shot Put
U10 Girls70m 100m400mLong JumpShot Put
U11 Boys100m 200m400mTriple JumpDiscus
U11 Girls100m 200m400mTriple JumpShot Put
U12 Boys100m200m400mHigh JumpJavelin
U12 Girls100m200m400mHigh JumpShot Put
U13 Boys200m Hurdles100m400mHigh JumpDiscus
U13 Girls200m Hurdles 100m400mLong JumpDiscus
U14 – 17 Boys200m-300m Hurdles 100m400mTriple JumpJavelin
U14 – 17 Girls200m-300m Hurdles 100m 400mTriple JumpShot Put


Walks will be conducted as an additional optional event for children who would like to compete prior to the program commencing. We encourage only children who wish to compete seriously to take part.

Walks Distance: U8-U9 700m, U10-U11 1100m, U12-U17 1500m

U6 BoysOn Track70mLong JumpJavelin (Vortex)
U6 GirlsOn Track 70mLong JumpJavelin (Vortex)
U7 Boys70m 100m Long JumpJavelin (Vortex)
U7 Girls70m100m Long JumpJavelin (Vortex)
U8 Boys70m 200mLong JumpDiscus
U8 Girls70m 200mLong JumpDiscus
U9 Boys70m100m400mHIgh JumpShot Put
U9 Girls70m 100m400mLong JumpDiscus
U10 Boys70m 200m400mHigh JumpDiscus
U10 Girls70m 70m400mLong JumpJavelin (Turbo)
U11 Boys100m 200m400mLong JumpShot Put
U11 Girls100m200m400mTriple JumpShot Put
U12 Boys100m200m400mTriple JumpShot Put
U12 Girls100m200m400mTriple JumpShot Put
U13 Boys100m200m 400mHigh JumpDiscus
U13 Girls100m 200m 400mHigh JumpJavelin
U14 – 17 Boys100m 200m 400mHigh JumpShot Put
U14 – 17 Girls 100m200m 400mHigh JumpJavelin


U6 BoysOn Track100mLong JumpSkills
U6 GirlsOn Track100mLong JumpSkills
U7 Boys70m100mLong JumpShot Put
U7 Girls70m100mLong Jump Discus
U8 Boys70m100mLong JumpShot Put
U8 Girls70m100mLong JumpShot Put
U9 Boys 200m800mHigh JumpJavelin (Vortex)
U9 Girls 200m800mLong JumpJavelin (Vortex)
U10 Boys100m800mLong JumpJavelin (Turbo)
U10 Girls100m800mHigh JumpDiscus
U11 Boys 100m1500mHigh JumpJavelin
U11 Girls100m1500mHigh JumpDiscus
U12 Boys100m1500mLong JumpDiscus
U12 Girls100m1500mLong JumpDiscus
U13 Boys200m1500mHigh JumpShot Put
U13 Girls200m1500mHigh JumpShot Put
U14 – 17 Boys200m1500mTriple JumpDiscus
U14 – 17 Girls200m1500mLong JumpJavelin


U6 BoysOn Track60m HurdlesDiscusJavelin (Vortex)
U6 GirlsOn Track60m Hurdles DiscusJavelin (Vortex)
U7 Boys60m Hurdles 200mShot PutJavelin (Vortex)
U7 Girls60m Hurdles 200mLong Jump Shot Put
U8 Boys60m Hurdles 200mLong JumpJavelin (Vortex)
U8 Girls60m Hurdles 200mHigh JumpShot Put
U9 Boys 60m Hurdles 400mLong JumpDiscus
U9 Girls 60m Hurdles 400mLong JumpShot Put
U10 Boys60m Hurdles 400mHigh JumpJavelin (Turbo)
U10 Girls60m Hurdles 400mHigh JumpDiscus
U11 Boys 80m Hurdles 400mTriple JumpDiscus
U11 Girls80m Hurdles 400mHigh JumpDiscus
U12 Boys80m Hurdles 400mLong JumpJavelin
U12 Girls80m Hurdles 400mHigh JumpJavelin
U13 Boys80m Hurdles 400mTriple JumpShot Put
U13 Girls80m Hurdles 400mTriple JumpDiscus
U14 – 17 Boys90m-110m Hurdles 400mHigh JumpShot Put
U14 – 17 Girls80m-100m Hurdles 400mLong JumpJavelin